Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Random pics

LOVES baby Easton!

lovin' Woody

BeD hEaD!

Just a few random pictures of my TuNiE. She is getting so big and learning new things everyday. She absolutely LOVES her cousin bAbY eAsTon. She pretty much malls him when ever he is around.


  1. That is the cutest bed head I have ever seen! Man, she is so darling!

  2. cute cute pictures! i want that first one! baby easton LOVES tunie too:)

  3. I saw your mom and I have been needing a NBT fix. So I will have way more time soon so I really want to see you. Maybe I could even meet you at Thanksgiving Point for lunch or something.

  4. She is so you--seriously its like looking at your little clone. Adorable as always. Hope you're doing well, one of these days we'll get together.
